Their love was forbidden...
The angels and devils have been rivals for centuries, neither clan able to tolerate the other.
Evangelina Leclair is an angel in the Land of Heavenly Dreams. One day, her parents enroll her in Horizon High, a school in the human world. They assign her the task of assassinating Diome Lenoir, a devil who is studying there. As a pacifist, she decides to protect Diome in secret instead of obeying her parents. A string of coincidences brings her and Diome closer, and they develop a mutual infatuation and become a couple.
Their forbidden love is challenged again and again as dangers threaten to destroy their relationship. With each other by their side, Evangelina and Diome discover the beauty and brutality of the world, learning to embrace the miracles that blossom from their epic romance.
14+ due to adult situations
“What? Murder him?”
Numb with shock, Evangelina Leclair stared at her father. Were her ears deceiving her? True, her clan held a grudge against the devils for ages, but killing one of them? The angels hadn’t been that extreme before. They never were.
Her father Milton glared at her, decisiveness etched upon every inch of his face. “You will do as I say,” he ordered. “Why?” Evangelina burst out foolishly. “Why kill him? Why stoop to that level? We’re angels. Not vigilantes. Why should we kill them just because they threatened us? How does that make us any better than they are?”
Her father’s eyes flashed with anger. She had touched a nerve. Fifty-three years old with a hot temper, he never tolerated disobedience. “Evangelina Leclair, am I not making myself clear?”
Evangelina pursed her lips. Contradicting him was one thing, but following his absurd and unwise plan could lead to the demise of their entire angelic clan. The devils had been their enemies for centuries, and they had slayed countless angels during battles. Yet indignant as she was, she would never take an innocent life and use their ongoing rivalry as an excuse.
Her father rose to his feet, hands on his hips. “Let me make this clear. You are to murder a devil by the name of Diome Lenoir, a junior in Horizon High, a human high school. Approach him, befriend him, and eliminate him after lowering his guard. This is an order, not a plea.”
“He did nothing wrong!” Evangelina countered, rising to her feet. “He’s innocent! Just like the thousands of angels in our clan!”
“Evangelina, do not talk back to your father!” her mother Golda snapped. “This is for the best.”
Evangelina turned to her. “The best? Murdering someone for the greater good?” She shook her head, unable to follow their logic. “What if it was someone from our tribe? What if the devils killed an angel and advertised it a deed ‘for the greater good?’ If we want to end all battles, we should reason with the devils instead.”
“They have no reason,” her father retorted. “They’re the cruelest, most malevolent beings imaginable. Those evil creatures started more than half of the battles in history. Nasty, chaos-loving monsters they are.”
“But what difference does it make if we—if I—kill Diome Lenoir? The rivalry won’t end. Nothing will change.”
“One devil down. And the more devils dead, the better.”
Evangelina sighed. “Dad, he’s innocent. He’s just like me, just a teenager, but only from a different clan. Why target him?”
He glared at her. “Innocent? The devils are all guilty.”
“Not him,” Evangelina insisted. “And not the thousands of babies and teenagers in the devil clan. They don’t deserve this at all.”
“Well, switch sides and join the devils if you think so highly of them!” her father thundered, his cheeks paling in fury. “If you have a shred of self-respect left, I expect you to obey me and kill that devil. Fail to do so, and there will be consequences.”
And with that, he stood up and breezed out of the living room while a dazed, disoriented Evangelina remained rooted to the spot.